Definition of Carbon paper

1. Noun. A thin paper coated on one side with a dark waxy substance (often containing carbon); used to transfer characters from the original to an under sheet of paper.

Exact synonyms: Carbon
Generic synonyms: Paper

Definition of Carbon paper

1. Noun. A sheet of paper with one of the faces impregnated with carbon, used to make carbon copies. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Carbon Paper

carbon monoxide haemoglobin
carbon monoxide poisoning
carbon nanofiber
carbon nanofibers
carbon nanofibre
carbon nanofibres
carbon nanofoam
carbon nanofoams
carbon nanotube
carbon neutral
carbon offset
carbon oxide
carbon oxychloride
carbon oxysulfide
carbon oxysulphide
carbon paper
carbon papers
carbon planet
carbon planets
carbon print
carbon printing
carbon prints
carbon process
carbon radioisotopes
carbon resistor
carbon sequestering
carbon sequestration
carbon source
carbon star
carbon stars

Literary usage of Carbon paper

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Torreya by Torrey Botanical Club (1915)
"The white paper and the underlying carbon paper should then be held firmly in ... The carbon paper will make an exact impression of the leaf, its shape, ..."

2. The Technique of the Photoplay by Epes Winthrop Sargent (1913)
"You will need carbon paper to match your carbon sheets. Some papers require a soft carbon paper and others work better with the hard finish. ..."

3. The Minnesota Legislature of 1911 by Lynn Haines (1911)
"carbon paper gs.oo Paper clips 35.00 Typewriter paper 71.50 bead pencils 37.50 1 filing case 16.00 1 record 6.00 SH Drumm 1.10 memo books stamped in gold. ..."

4. International Library of Technology: A Series of Textbooks for Persons by International Textbook Company (1909)
"A different weight for different number of copies required. Learn the correct weight of carbon paper you should use—described in our booklet, ..."

5. The Efficient Secretary by Ellen Lane Spencer (1916)
"carbon paper carbon paper is one of the high-priced supplies in an ... There is a standard price fpi carbon paper and there is a standard of paper too. ..."

6. The Adirondack Black Spruce by William Freeman Fox (1895)
"1 ^-section of Black Spruce, 115 years old, 12 inches in diameter \ дп the stump. From an impression made with carbon paper. The greater thickness of the ..."

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